Fake news

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Some groypers and groyper adjacent got the shoah. The problem with an annoymous horde is its easy to infiltrate and Ziop.

No one should be suspended. But we all know that racist accounts will be. And we all know those accounts didn't and don't give a damn about Palestine they just found camouflage from which to bash on Jews.

What's sick is Jewish racist can bash on the goy all day without any consequences. Non whites can bash whites, and anyone can bash Christians. It's totally unfair and two tier justice

I understand people resenting this and wanting to react. But the Hitler did nuffin wrong crap and that type of thing just makes you a different brand of zionist.

They want to band pro Palestine account but they need a pretext. The nazi potty humor is a pretext. A movement telling people to just say Jew (when zionist and jew are not the same thing at all) is a pretext. They're not your friends. They are encouraging you to say something stupid so you won't be taken seriously and eventually you'll get banned.

I'm as anti Israel as a person can be. For two and a half decades I've made films about their crimes and yet the groyper movement hates me. Why? Because I call out the ziop.

They want you to be racist. That's the goal. Catholicism is more camouflage.
No other white nationalist leadership is even allowed to have an account. Only the one they're running. It's fly paper and your the fly. Understand the kosher sandwich. They run the opposition they need. They need immature incel assclowns to be the opponent because it's a free layup.


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