Elon Musk

Musk to Twitter: “My offer is my best and final offer and if it is not accepted, I would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder.”

Shareholders @ Twitter are trying to sue Elon.

Can someone say PANIC?

Well son of a Bitch... 😯😏 I hope all the nasty liberals on there who have enjoyed being protected as they consistently throw out the nastiest awfulness towards us are sitting a bit uneasy today

This is not a hostile takeover.. it’s a declaration of war against the regime. They’re going to throw everything at Elon.

“If he owns the whole place, the Orange man is probably going to be back. This is unbelievable!”

'My fellow Americans'.

JUST IN - Twitter to hold an all-hands meeting with employees at 5pm ET over Elon Musk's offer to take over the platform.

RE: Elon Musk and Starlink.

Does anybody remember back in September of 2016, directly prior to Trump being elected, Mark Zuckerberg was attempting to launch an internet Satellite. It was going to be the first satellite in a pilot program to supposedly provide free internet to poor parts of Africa and eventually the whole world.

Essentially Zuckerberg was trying to do exactly what Musk and SpaceX are doing right now with Starlink and to be the first out of the gate.

The plan failed and the project was put indefinitely on hold.

Does anybody remember WHY the project was put on hold?

"1st September 2016, two days to AMOS-6 official launch, Elon Musk’s SpaceX (Falcon 9) rocket due to launch with Facebook’s first satellite, exploded, during a static fire test at Cape Canaveral, destroying the cargo."

SpaceX is also the company contracted by NASA and Space Force to handle United States space programs.

The more you know. 🌈


Hij deed het eerder al in de cryptowereld met de Dogecoin en eerst wel Bitcoin accepteren voor Tesla's en daarna toch weer niet. I called it first, zei het toen al!


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